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How To Prevent Clogged Drains

A fantastic method that helps prevent clogged or slowed drains is to be extra careful about what your pour down them… Revolutionary hey?

Grease, grounded coffee, your hair, and used soap can be very problematic for your sinks in regards to blockage. Try your best to avoid pouring these 4 items down your sink.

Here are some methods that will help you prevent blockages to your sink:
  • Don’t pour cooking grease down the sink, dispose of it by pouring it into the bin when it was cooled down, or pouring into a disposable container and placing in the bin when cooled down.

  • Dispose of grounded coffee in bin *not* by pouring down sink (this is incredibly important as coffee grounds are a huge culprit when in comes to blaming something for blocking sinks)

  • Use a drain screen to minimize changes of bulky waste being washed down your drain and into your sink – you can pick one of these up from your local plumbing store. be sure to take along a picture of your sink and drain so that the store attendee can better help you choose a revenant fit.

Here are some more ‘active methods’ that will help you avoid any blockages in your pipes:

  • Pour kettle hot water through your sink every week. Hot water helps break down the recent buildup in your sink. It will help break down recent buildup, but as for those lumps down there that have been culminating for months – that’s going to take a professional!

  • Add baking soda to that hot water. Baking soda not only absorbs terrible odors, but it has a chemical agent in it that is harmless to your pipes but is dynamite when it comes to removing small and recent blockages. Consider using this method first and then using hot water weekly.

  • Also, try sipping a small cup of vinegar down the drain and leaving for 20 minutes. Vinegar breaks down the more acidic build up, it differs to baking soda by ridding your pipes of sturdy stains called ‘crud’. Crud is responsible for supporting the coffee grounds etc that cause blockages in the first place!

Try this:

Pour a cup of vinegar and baking soda down your sink. Leave for 20 minutes. then follow up with hot water. If that doesn’t work, you may need to contact a plumbing expert


If you don’t like the smell of lemons, and you have a garbage disposal unit. Simply pour ice cubes down the sink following this process.


~ The Bayside Plumbing Team

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