As I’m sure most of you would know by now, low water pressure sucks! You wake up, jump in the shower and expect to be blasted clean with piping hot strong water! So, it can be a huge let down when it turns out to be nothing but a weak drizzle. But there is hope!
Know this:
What is water pressure?
As one of our own plumbers put so well:
water pressure is the energy at which water is propelled. So with this in mind, more energy means higher water pressure. And higher water pressure means a more enjoyable shower! Here’s something else you should know: if you live close to your local water supplier, you’re more likely to have stronger water pressure compared to those living further away. As the further water has to travel, the less powerful it becomes.
Makes sense, right?
However, if you’re in a rural setting and the water provider doesn’t have a super strong water pressure potential. It’s best to be downhill from them.
So, if you have neither of these benefits in your favor, what can you do about it?
First things first, you need to get a plumber to your property asap to check for leaks. A small leak can make a huge amount of difference when it comes to your properties water pressure – whether commercial or domestic.
Also, ask your neighbor if you can measure your water pressure against there’s. This will give you a better indication as to whether your low water pressure is a result of your distance from your water provider, or if it’s something specific to your property. The area of Brighton is particularly prone to feeble water pressure.

Plumber Bayside
if your pressure is lower than your neighbors, then you most likely have clogged pipes or a leak. Hopefully, your plumber has been keeping up with the latest in the plumbing world and can use a non-intrusive camera system to inspect your pipes.
All pipes erode over time – there is no escaping this. They fill with gunk and can be overgrown with tree roots. Either way – no matter what you do, or how amazing your plumbing system is. You’re going to encounter some plumbing issues somewhere down the line. So don’t fret.
When your pipes are clogged, however, this allows a lot less h20 to travel through and as such, causes weak water pressure. Starting to make sense?